11-03-2009, 10:27 AM
our juvenile hunt was this weekend in tn. my wife and i took my 8 yr old nephew karson hunting on the Cumberland plateau. after a very windy and wet night in a pop up camper we hunted sat. in the wind and rain no deer. sunday morning was better weather saw a few does but couldn't get a shot. my nepew has killed 4 deer in the past two yr with a model 25 classic in 223 62gr barnes tsx over 25.5 of w748 powder. i took my savage model 14 classic in 250 savage 100gr tsx as a back up. while in camp sunday he wanted to shoot the 250 and shot it very well and decided to hunt with the 250. long story short on the way to the stand 3 doe were in the trail at 130yds one was quartered slightly and i let him take the shot and she dropped in her tracks. now he is hooked on the 250.