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  1. 2009 F-Class World Championships @ Bisley, UK
  2. F-Class Nationals 2009 - Butner NC
  3. F class scope
  4. Savages Win!!- F Class Camp Butner, NC 600yd 2 Classes!
  5. F/TR
  6. F-Class and Mag-na-porting a rifle
  7. F-Class near San Antonio/Austin Texas?
  8. First F-Class match with my 6br!
  9. 2013 Northwest Ohio Bench Rest Match's (Delphos, OH)
  10. Ohio Varmint Match's in Meeker Ohio (North of Columbus outside of Marion.)
  11. Bench Rest Shooting
  12. F class question on rest
  13. Bench rest VARMINT FOR SCORE
  14. ROANOKE EGG SHOOT (Virginia)
  15. How long between shots/groups?
  16. reading the wind
  17. approximately 22 pounds?
  18. April Egg Shoot Results
  19. first match of season tomorrow 4/23/11
  21. Results of my first 1,000 yd. Benchrest club competition.
  22. Questions about bag setup
  23. got to shoot my first f-open shoot ...hooked
  24. 2013 Southeast Ohio 600 Yard Benchrest Matches
  25. US F-Class team in Ireland & Scotland