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  1. How many of y'all tag ?
  2. Todays p-dog shoot.
  3. South Dakota P-dogs
  4. Pdogin in ND
  5. Should all the sub-6mm calibers be dropped ?
  6. To all that claim 6mm 88 Bergers don't have whack
  7. P-dog slide show w/Savage rigs of course!
  8. 25-06 for 'Yotes?
  9. Nebraska Prairie Dog Poisoned
  10. How many pdogs....way to many!
  11. Home from South Dakota...My P-Dog hunt with pics
  12. Weekly Pdogs.
  13. 6.5 @ 1002 yards
  14. 75 amax for coyotes in 1-9 223 fvss
  15. Pumpkin Eater
  16. Success - Or Just Dumb Luck???
  17. Prarie Dog and 204 advice!!
  18. It's All About Being Prepared
  19. Victory or Defeat?
  20. It's All A Matter of Timing
  21. Electric calls
  22. Three Hog Night
  23. Insult To Injury
  24. Over 300 rounds was not enough to last past noon.....
  25. A Morning Hunt