- wifes first coyote and her second
- My weekly shoot. Updated 9/12
- Louisiana boy desperatly wanting to long rang some Dogs.
- crow hunting and calls
- Best fixed-power magnification for prairie dogs ?
- First Blood with savage
- Colorado Prairie Dogs
- Shooting benches
- Best Varmint GUn?
- Another great hunt!
- It's Been A Quiet Summer
- FP10 does coyote & p-dogs....again...:)
- Fox Hunting in Alaska: Tips, Tricks, Calls, Caliber Recommendations...
- Coyote....seen one seen em all I guess eh?
- AMax for Varmints
- Something for Predator Hunters
- Do I have a badger in my yard?
- First day of Yote season off to a rocky start.
- Shooting sticks VS. gun mounted bipod for Yotes
- October Coyotes
- About dang time!
- Good calling and bad weather
- Critter shooting Bench
- Opening day coyote