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  1. 220 Swift on prairie dogs ?
  2. Another one down
  3. P-dog hunt looking for info
  4. Piglet Distress Call for Hog Hunting?
  5. Wolves
  6. New tubes on order
  7. #1 and #2
  8. Shoot ‘Em
  9. New coyote/ antelope- hide
  10. 2023 NY fall coyote
  11. 2024 NY Predator
  12. 6.5 Creedmoor bullet for Coyotes?
  13. Another yote
  14. “Let the Fun Begin:” Prairie Dog Hunt #1
  15. Young coyote
  16. Third coyote of the summer
  17. 2024 NY Fall Predator
  18. Wolf Hunt-2026
  19. Fat groundhog
  20. Prairie Dog Hunts #2 & #3
  21. Ground hog with the Model 11
  22. Weird coyote color variant
  23. 270 Win - Coyote bullet - help pls
  24. Anyone interested in seeing some trapping photos over the years?
  25. Raccoon at 446 yards