View Full Version : Predator and Varmint Hunting

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  1. My latest coyotes!
  2. got another hog
  3. 425 yard crow model 12 223 55 gr vmax
  4. Slow motion rat shooting
  5. Rimfire for Hogs
  6. Heard a rumor...
  7. Twist rate vs killing power.
  8. 1st groundhog of the year
  9. Grey Fox mount is back...(pics) Follow up
  10. pretty good night
  11. Nice 250yd night shot
  12. more hogs
  13. coyote with the 22 250
  14. Next ones to go.
  15. The Great Western Rodent Massacre of 2013
  16. prairie dog hunting
  17. more hogs
  18. 2 hogs with the 223
  19. Use air in a can to cool barrel?
  20. Reconsidering my rifle vendetta on gophers
  21. Pork Chops ?
  22. 25-06 for hogs
  23. Just some more p-dog fun.
  24. 330 yard ground hog
  25. Back To The Bean Fields of Ohio