View Full Version : Predator and Varmint Hunting

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  1. My first coyotes...a double!
  2. Fur friendly .308 coyote ammo?
  3. well i am 5 for 5 with my savage weather warrior .308
  4. Couple of day off coyotes.
  5. 223 hog hunting
  6. Night hunting set ups
  7. Nice & thick 40lb male.
  8. A Few Coyotes So Far....
  9. My First Bobcat of The Season.
  10. Contest woes....or not so much....
  11. Saved a house cat and got a bobcat
  12. 22-250 ackley and fox
  13. Broke in my new Model 25 17 Hornet
  14. Coyote weekend again.
  15. Shot my first coyote double this morning
  16. any tips for first timer coyotee hunt??
  17. Varmint/predator group hunt?
  18. Zip
  19. 304 yard crow
  20. maximum caliber for fur
  21. This years Prairie Dog hunt booked
  22. 2 more hogs
  23. 2013 Texas hog trip.
  24. A few more hogs killed with my savage rifles
  25. coyotes