- Found another coyote that needed dead!
- My first Bull/long range shot
- how do yall haul your equiptment
- Building a varmint er on a 110 la
- Another nek coyote.
- Please tell me it's not true!!!!
- FOXPRO seminar Jan 7th and 8th
- Stevens 22-250 kills
- First Fox 2012
- dead coyote
- .308 varmint load
- Hog Hunting/Louisiana Texas
- meow
- Stevens 200 drops a grey
- prairie dog targets
- called in a pair
- Another grey
- Haven't posted in a long time (pics)
- dang it
- kill light
- montana prairie dogs
- Suggestions for a ecaller
- Tell me how to setup this rifle for coyote/varmint.
- New Axis 223 claims a double
- Broke my newly built .204 in