- Teach em young
- Axis Stock Art
- Not a picture, but a video
- My oldie
- What happens when you have too many extra parts
- My pack of Savages
- first test post of an image on Flickr
- Video: Spongetarn camouflage paint job
- DrThunder's Rattlecan Massacre
- "22 Trainer" MKIIFVSR
- Savage collection
- New BA Stealth my second 6.5 Creed, 3rd Savage
- A little barrel project for the Savage 10... a 300 AAC Blackout barrel
- 6X45 build from start.
- Painted my 12 LRP stock
- New Member intro
- Savage Ashbury
- Lets see your stockade pics
- Webbing paint job
- Stockade pic?
- LRP 12 260 Rem in AICS
- refinished another rifle
- .300 20/26
- Polished out stainless
- So I bought a stock on SavageShooters... Savage 10T