- I'm Hooked
- My FTR
- My Savage LRP 6.5 Creedmoor
- my new 93 tr.17
- Using a Pig Saddle, rangefinder, spotting scope, on a SLIK tripod
- As requested the ARC Mausingfield Action
- Savage 111 Mid range F-T/R
- Color fill fluting and lettering.
- Savage Model 11 Scout
- Mausingfield Rebarrel, Thanks Apache
- Custom AR grip for chassis's
- Lets see your "Rat Rgs"
- Savage 10TR LEO Budget Build
- Hiking in North Dakota
- Savage Axis 223 Build
- My newest build
- Portable All Metal Target Stand
- Barricade practice, just finished this.
- Savage 6.5x55 Old School
- 204 Ruger Heavy Varmint Rifle
- I know it's not a Savage but...
- Latest Axis Build
- New stocks.
- My Rifles
- Apache-Barreled 110