Gonna show my newness with this post. When you zero your scope wouldnt you want it to be very near the top of its elevation adjustment range?
I mean if you are zeroed at 100 I cant see you ever wanting to dial any down changes, so why not leave most of your total available dialing capability for up? Maybe I am missing something really basic here but using common sense ( which frequently gets me in trouble ) say your scope is zeroed at 100, and is right in the middle of its MOA availability. Say your scope has 80moa of elevation adjustment available. The 40 MOA available below 100yds is never going to be used and is wasted, right? However if you zero with your scope near the top of its adjustment range you should have something like 75 MOA or so available for up corrections? When I mounted my new viper the instructions say to start with the adjustment dials centered, and that is what brought this question to my mind.