Just bought this 12 gauge pump, had it out to the range this afternoon. Couldn't figure out why it only took two shells in the tube until I had it home and poked around. Now that the wooden dowel is out it'll hold more ammo. Someone told me that you can only have two in the tube to hunt in NJ so I'm sure that's why the previous owner did this.
[img width=600 height=102]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_uCwdT1lftKw/TRPpj-1YgYI/AAAAAAAAAQk/q5zo_4cAeDs/s800/savage_30_series_g.jpg[/img]
I've looked around the web and can't find a whole lot about this shotgun. One of the things I'd like to know is if I can get different barrels. I looked at the Numich site and they have some but it's a bit confusing. For the home I'd probably like something shorter. The barrel is 30" long. Someone said I can also get rifled barrel to shoot monster bullets. Does anyone know if the thread for the barrel is model specific to Savage or is there some standard that many manufactures share? This is my first shotgun so I'm no expert.