I have avoided posting anywhere about trying to get Jim to finsh a PRE-PAID Striker stock! But I cannot get him to work with me even though he cashed my checks in full last summer. He promised the stock Jan/2024. He has sent one email but wants 50% forfiet on my part.

Well it is April 2024 and he hasn't made good on his promises. I am dissapointed and out nearly $500! A forfiet on my end is unacceptable as he hasn't met his end of the bargin. In my state, cashing a deposit or full payment is an acceptance.

I sent and email just before going into the hospital last month and suggested 50% on the dollar was un-acceptable, but haven't heard or seen communication since from him

I politely suggested he que up my blank, cut it and ship it, the shop uses an automated multi-axis cutting machine...shouldn't be a big deal.

Perhaps he may read this, and others here might be aware of his lack of respone and faulty floating/iffy schedule.

Sorry Jim, you haven't met your obligation.