Now that the Target Sears and Target AccuTriggers are no longer unobtanium, I’d like to start this thread to see what type of results people are getting after installing these.

Today I installed the target sear and trigger in a Model 10 top bolt release that I have. This rifle already had the target/varmint spring upgrade and was breaking around 2 lb. After dropping in the new sear and AccuTrigger, the trigger pull went up to around 2 lb 10 oz.

After a very light sear polishing (about 15 seconds of light work on 400 grit paper) the pull went down to 1 lb 10 oz. I didn’t want to do any more work on things until I can establish what exactly might need to be done to approach the mythical 6 oz pull.

I would love to hear about other’s experiences.
