Got a boyds stock for my 35 rem conversion. I thought at first I was getting a wood stock with laminate, not a plywood stock. Either way finish was great. Barrel channel sanded well. Couple big irks, the inlet for the bottom metal was short and not quite deep enough but no big deal, extended it with a flat carbide burr which did the job great but then opened up a hole to the recoil lug area.

Then I drilled for pillars, originally I had 7/16 OD pillars but no way they can work. Set it up straight in the drill press, stepped Drills up until I got to 3/8 (sharp, new bits), once I got the size right before 3/8 it tore out the whole channel in the front, now I have a slot from the mag well to the pillar, but still holds in a 3/8 bit.

The back hole tore out towards the trigger area (rear) and a little in front it took a chunk out.

Kinda disappointed in the stock. Very soft material, don't expect it to last long. I suppose I was expecting a wood with laminate stock, should have researched more.

Anyways, will this stock still work with the channels torn into the holes? I'm going to buy lamp rod and use that for pillars now. I figure it will be fine once pillars are in since that's what will be supporting the bolts to the reciever, and once the epoxy sets them in.

Opinions? Sorry don't have pics, just kinda frustrated lol. I can try for pics before work