Merry Christmas my friends. Well, almost. It’s Christmas Eve morning. I know several who are celebrating with their children today.

This is my favorite time of year, my favorite holiday by far. The time with family & friends, the good will, the gift giving.. and lets it forget the food! Parties, celebrations and cheer! But don’t lose sight of the most important aspect. The Celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, born a man, sent to shed His Blood for our transgressions. To walk with us in everlasting & bring in a New Covenant. Having a relationship with & knowing Christ, to bridge the timeless gap between our sinful world and the Father in His Kingdom. If you have done so already, lift your voice & rejoice with your brothers & sisters in Christ! If you have not done so, I encourage those to take God’s perfect give now. Wherever you are, speak directly to The Lord. You don’t need a priest to speak or you … you don’t need a building humans mistakenly refer to as the church. Speak directly to Him, confess & repent of your sinful life & ask Christ to make you a new creation. Take the best Christmas gift you could ever receive. A new life in Christ Jesus.

Merry Christmas my friends.