Well if i may be so bold, explain spin drift.
Did you learn about spin drift by say reading one of Brian Litz books?
Frankly untill about 10 years ago or so i had never heard that term even used.
But then ive never read any books on this subject.
But today it seems to be used everywhere i read about it.
My question would be what does it matter anyway why a shot lands in a particular place?
The bigger question to me is what are you going to do about it?
If it matters, then it only matters if it isnt corrected.
If your simply shooting for group, then it matters not where the group is on the target anyway, even way out in the white part.
Nothing here matters other than how well you shoot, and that includes knowing about things like spin drift.
Leave all that stuff to the armchair wind reading experts.
By the way, did your class include any pointers on that topic?