Hello guys. I’m sharing this because I have many friends here. I’m most comfortable and I think my tiny bit of knowledge is most appreciated here.

On Thursday evening my sister text me to say my dad was rushed to ER, and it didn’t look good. Now, some back story... my father turned 70yo in June. He was a Marine, Vietnam Vet & exposes to Agent Orange. Besides this ge didn’t really take care of himself. Long time smoker, drinker. He has suffered two heart attacks and developed diabetes along with congenital heart failure. Three years ago he developed an aneurysm of the renal artery in his lower abdomen. He has undergone several surgeries, and had 9 stents implanted. To say my father has been on “borrowed time” is somewhat of an understatement. That said, The Lord has each of our days numbered. He was faked to the hospital with severe back pain & breathing problems. A CT scan revealed what we’ve feared. After his last surgery, about a year ago, his surgeon told him & my mother(a nurse), that nothing else could be done with the renal artery. It was leaking now...and bad. After talking to his surgeon again, who offered to perform another surgery, but gave them the news that he had no hope of my surviving the surgery...my mother & father talked decided on hospice. They immediately started a heavy morphine drip to keep my dad comfortable. My mother stayed with him through the night, and about 6am Friday(yesterday), my father passed away.

I will miss my dad. I am so very sad. But I do know know this normal. My heart is absolutely broken for my mother. I am so proud to have been the child of a lasting marriage. My parents truly were best friends. They were married 49years I believe. (I’m 42).