My idea of moving towards the goal of being a Pro Competitive shooter is eliminating all other factors, so that performance is solely based on me as the shooter and true skill can shine through. Therefore at that point the only option is to start building as close to perfect precision rifles to compete with, shoot a round like the 6.5x47 that is extremely consistent and easy to load for which provides very little changes throughout it's barrel life span, and start a training regime that allows me to compete to the best of my ability all why managing "life" outside of this personal goal.

In this game a "semi-pro" can still be extremely competitive. They even sometimes out shoot the "Pro", but the Pro is normally more consistent. I am still trying to break the barrier of consistency at matches. 1 day events I'm rather solid. The 2 Day events take quite a bit more conditioning to shoot well on both days.

The biggest item I've learned whether shooting for fun or sport is that you must always have fun. If you're not having fun, you probably need a break, training from a 3rd party, or reputable instructor.