This forum seems a bit slow so I thought I would post some pictures with success with my 340 that I turned into a scout rifle.

I live on a ranch where the Post Oak Savannah meets the South Texas Plains and try to kill a hog a week throughout the year. Most of it is done as opportunity provides but I do hunt nights with the full moon. I have a lot of rifles and I try to cycle them all through the task but honestly the little 340 has become the rifle that sits in the rack at the back door. I shoot a 170 bullet of my design at a muzzle velocity of 2000 FPS and haven't had one hog continue to stand at the shot. I think I've killed two more hogs with this rifle but cannot find the pictures.

My new Savage 170 chambered in 35 Rem went out with me this week but I goofed up, I didn't not do a chamber check! I had three hogs lined up for a "three-fer" but got that terrible "click". That rifle's slide action is a bit louder than a bolt, hogs don't tolerate much, and I never got a cartridge in the rifle before they were gone. I swear that when I sat the 170 down in the rack next to the 340, I could hear the 340 snickering!