Need Action! Hearing Protection Act 3799

Action needed, please read. ASA (American Suppressor Association) has helped introduce a bill that would remove suppressors from the NFA Act. The link below is a form that creates a draft email that is sent on your behalf directly to your Congressional representative regarding passage of this bill. I (and several friends) have already sent ours and we received replies from our congressmen within a few minutes of sending email; automated replies but a reply nonetheless.

PLEASE... PLEASE.... PLEASE Click below, fill it in and press send. It should only take 15-45 seconds and maybe - just MAYBE - we as a community can help make the purchase of a suppressor less costly, time consuming or both!


Please send this link to friends, shooting buddies, family members, range officers, clubs, etc etc. to keep driving momentum towards passage of H.R. 3799

Good shooting and lets keep pushing!

Leave a reply below after you've sent your email if you can as it shows that we are supporting the act, whether or not it is able to pass on the first attempt.