After two years of faithful service, my brave little .22 has begun to malfunction.
At first it was Failure to Extract. The casings were not "stuck" in the chamber as I could easily flick them out with the point of my leatherman. I disassembled the bolt and thoroughly cleaned, lubed, and reassembled it.
Back at the range I noticed that the ejection was also very weak (on the occasions when the extractors were doing their job). Back to my workshop for another look.
I can't see any reasons for the failures. It's a pretty simple mech--two tiny extractors and a stationary ejector waiting to launch the casing out into space...
Actually, it does eject (sort of) but the shell either makes a weak jump, or just lays there in the loading bay, sometimes even wandering down below the bolt where it gets up to mischief.
The failure to extract continues about 5 out of every 10 shots. It seems the extractors are just not gripping the rims, even tho the bolt goes into battery.
This is all with long rifle ammo, two different mfgrs.

Any ideas for a fix?