Hello - I have a new to me Savage 12 F/TR. The previous owner said he never shot the rifle. However, upon cleaning it there was fouling and powder in the barrel. Not much, but it was there. I assume the barrels are cleaned after savage test fires them. He has the original receipt and otherwise this thing looks brand new, except for the crown. I've attached some pics, and to me the crown just looks whack, like the reamer or whatever the used for the crown was bouncing. It looks so bad (to me but I don't really know anything) I suspect the previous owner messed with it. Though I don't know why he would. I'm shooting it in the morning so we'll see if there is any real issue or not.

Here are the pics:

[img width=600 height=450]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_PasEXrRYnyc/S_9kJZBVObI/AAAAAAAAAkg/fgtdnqFWDO0/s800/IMG_1437.JPG[/img]
[img width=600 height=450]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_PasEXrRYnyc/S_9kMIOlM2I/AAAAAAAAAks/V8vKMglXnio/s800/IMG_1445.JPG[/img]
[img width=600 height=450]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_PasEXrRYnyc/S_9kNWb2xFI/AAAAAAAAAk0/0MPTV6c6F4o/s800/IMG_1447.JPG[/img]
