I really wanted my Falcon Menace 5.5-25 scope in 56mm. The price is the same as the 50mm objective. Weight is only 2.5 more ounces. It must be mounted slightly higher. No problem there.

It was back ordered from the UK) so I decided to get the 50mm which was in stock.

The dealer, SWFA, told me:
1) A 56mm objective would give me no difference at all as far as eye strain. My eyes are old and get tired fast behind a scope.

2) A 56mm is LESS forgiving as far as getting a good picture (ie no scope shadow)

I have read in several places that both statements are wrong and the total opposite is true. SWFA is supposed to know things like this.
So, what is the real truth?

I was really hoping the 56mm would give me a bit of less eye strain vs a 50mm.
I was hoping for an easier to attain sight picture (no shadow) with a 56mm objective.

I dont suppose it matters much. Even if both of the above are false, I still had no idea how many weeks it would take to get the 56mm in stock. But if I am not thrilled with the 50mm, I may sell it and get the 56mm taking a bit of a loss, but getting what I want. Or not?

I could use some help. Thanks