I reckon a couple hundred rounds from my 6.5x284 was more than that one could handle, 'cause the Millett TRS I had on top is trackin' like a blind poodle with no sniffer. I have had good experiences with Burris in the past. IMHO, the Burris I have on my go-to deer thumpin' .308 is an accurate brick with a couple of pieces of glass at the ends. It has lived a HARD life, bless its heart. Have any of you good folks had a chance to run a Veracity in any flavor? Preferably a 4-20, but I'll take info on any of 'em.
I gotta get somethin' I can trust when I start dialin' and dopin', and Millett ain't doin' for me.
Thanks in advance.
Been knockin' the Nightforce SHV thing around my noodle, but $200 more is a lot what with this 16 y.o. daughter I have attached to my back pocket. Besides, I just like Burris.