So I'm going to be building a new rifle this year, and I need some suggestions for stocks. It will either be a left hand right bolt or a left hand left bolt (still on the fence there) short action, and it will either be wood or possibly a laminate. no synthetics. Boyds is an option for sure, but I wanted to see if there were any other good options out there. I know there are plenty of boutique guys, but either I don't know of them, or their pricing looks through the roof. great american went under, walnut grove says they only do long action savages, macon doesn't list the savage bolt guns under actions they inlet for.....

I can do my external finishing and sanding no problem, but internal fitting is a little more difficult for me. I got burned about 10 years ago with richards microfit and their "95% inlet" that was more like 60% on a left hand mini-mauser, and I don't really want to go that route again unless their quality and service has vastly improved. It doesn't have to be drop in, but a true 90% or better would be good.

I'd love to keep the price under 200 unless it was either super great or very nearly finished as well.