First, the background....

I wear glasses, bifocals, mostly for reading with only a slight distance correction.
Lately, I've been noticing road signs getting blurry, so I began wearing my glasses when driving (although I don't HAVE to)
Now it seems that my targets are getting fuzzy too. I tried wearing my glasses at the range today to see what would happen.
Here's the weird part....

Without my glasses, the vertical cross hair is perfectly vertical. With my glasses on, the vertical cross hair is canted to the left...way left.
I thought WTF, my scope moved !! Took off my glasses and the scope is perfect again.
I expect to have to adjust the "fast focus" eyepiece, but how/why are the cross hairs tilted only with my glasses on??
I still don't know if my glasses will help or not, as I can't get past the tilted cross hair situation.
Any help is appreciated.