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Thread: A little excitement in the area last night.

  1. #1
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    A little excitement in the area last night.

    Facebook was abuzz last night with locals posting about locking & loading and all that due to a couple escaped inmates from the Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution - one of which was TJ Lane who is the scumbag that perpetrated the Chardon, OH high school shootings back in February of 2012.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Basic Member
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    Right where I Always Need To Be. Usually...
    Saw that on the news this morning. Pretty scary stuff to think a kid that young could be a psycho nut case. Y'all could have done the legal system a big favor if you got there before the PD did.

    On a more interesting note....
    We have our house on the market and moving across town to be closer to my wife's mother (who is in very bad health). Additionally, we decided to move because the neighbor hood is getting too much like living in south Bronx.
    The Monday before Labor day at 0645 I was awakened to delicate sound of a flash bang grenade going off in the house across the street from me. I have a peek out the window and see 16 guys in full combat dress along with an MRAP.
    They raided the drug store across the street. I was getting a little tired of all the traffic - day & night. The place was busier than a drive thru Walgreens.

    I'm really looking forward to when we can finally move out to our swamp.
    'Scuse me while I whip this out...!

  3. #3
    Basic Member 03mossy's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Wow Frank sounds like its for sure time to move. We moved out of our old neighborhood after a series of events that included having to defend myself against a Rotweiler, 2 swat raids, and a suicide by cop. That was no place to raise kids!

  4. #4
    Basic Member
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    Right where I Always Need To Be. Usually...
    Yeah, we already did the Rottweiler thing when the trash that lives next door to me, her rotty went after my wife, my neighbor, a guy from down the street and one of my cats. After a few "requests" to control the dogs, yer 'ol Uncle Frank went out the front door with a loaded Mossberg 500. We ended up with the cops & animal control here. They were fined a few hundred bucks and warned the next time the animals are taken.

    Ya know, given a choice I'd rather deal with what's been going on over here as compared to a psycho nut case kid on the loose. I saw the video of that punk sitting there with "killer" written on his shirt and a real smug look.
    Proof positive that you need to beat your children every now & again. Punishment for consequences. None of this "time out" crap.
    'Scuse me while I whip this out...!

  5. #5
    Here in PA, now we have an alleged Cop killer on the loose: Now he's on the FBI's most wanted list.

  6. #6
    Basic Member
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    Right where I Always Need To Be. Usually...
    Saw that on the news yesterday. According to the report, the scumbag in question was playing out a fantasy. The picture of him shown on the news was proof positive he needs to be used for fertilized.
    He appeared to be dressed in Russian or some other communist country's uniform, while holding an AK47. Or so it appeared.

    Prayers to the cops that were killed & their families.
    'Scuse me while I whip this out...!

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