Well I just picked up the very last shipment from my local police supplier of the discontinued model 10TR's.. I got greedy and bought all they had knowing that is was a hell of a deal they offered and probably wont ever again , A total of 6 rifles for $425ea.... You just cant beat that. All with EGW rails, threaded barrel, 5r rifling ,really cool bolt knobs and accustocks.

Anyway I had a few questions regarding some aftermarket stuff for this

1. I really want to get a fluted bolt body for it, I will send them out but was wondering do you need to check and adjust headspace if you replace a bolt body but use the same lugs etc?

2. I havent shot it yet, but looking into the barrel I can see a good amount of chatter and tool marks on the rifling and the overall diamater in the bore. I dont know how the accuracy will be but im sure cleaning this thing will be a beast, and yes all 8 rifles have the tooling marks which im sure is just the way it is, but will fire lapping , or hand lapping be a good choice to improve some things?

3. Has anyone attempted to remove the accustock aluminum block and put it into another laminated stock? I ask because I want to get a tacticool stock but would like to use this block system. Unless just pillar and glass bedding will be better? I cant see how these new accustock blocks look really precise.

4. How does the other stocks choate bell and carlson aluminum bedding compare to the accustock?

5. Is it worth dumpin $300 into some of these known savage gunsmiths for their 'accurizing' package?
