I need a bullet puller and can't find one locally, nor did I want to wait to order one online. So, I found a video on YouTube that explained how to build one. I have $10.45 in schedule 80 parts for this one...and it works.

The Parts:

The foam handle plug keeps the gun powder from running down the handle. Cut from a pool noodle.

The order of the parts to be glued:

The glued parts:

The Tee Shoulder, where the shell holder rests, during impact.

The shell holder in place:

I glued a 1/8" thick rubber pad on the nose of the pvc cap, just to prevent it from cracking from whacking it on the concrete floor.

The nipple plug needed to be sanded or filed or however you prefer to get it to fit inside the tee, without sticking in the tee after impact.

I had to used a bungie cord to keep the nipple plug in place...it will bounce out after a hit on the floor.

I cut another piece/plug of foam and pushed it all the way into the cap or nose of the bullet puller. This will provide padding and keep the polycarbonate tips from deforming when they are removed from the casing. As it turns out, the rubber pad fell off...after a couple of whacks, which is just as well, cause it was impeding the bullet inertia for good removal.
