I picked up a used (free) laboratory scale to augment the two beam scales I have on the bench. I've always wondered about the accuracy of beam scales and decided to check one of them against the electronic scale.

Using a 1999 quarter, I weighed it using the Lyman D-7 with the pan and scale perfectly zeroed. The measurement was 87.22 grains. I then weighed the quarter using the electronic scale (which has built-in calibration weights) and the measurement was 5.6484 grams.

So . . . what this tells me, compared to to the online grain to gram calculator below, is that this old beam scale is pretty **** accurate.

87.22gr = 5.6518g

Enough playing around. I have to go out and rake Mesquite pods out of my rocks in front of the house. 109° for a high today. It still beats mowing grass, though.