I recently bought a couple of packages of Devcon Plastic Steel Bedding Compound, a two-part epoxy, which I have used successfully in the past.

My project this time was to FINALLY pillar bed a Savage 110 action/CBI barrel into a Savage laminated stock. Okay, my project was to have a friend to do this job for me. My friend mixed up a batch of this stuff and glopped it into the prepared stock. He turned his back for a few minutes and the next thing he knew the Devcon had set up almost solid. This occurred in less than five minutes. He had used this same material to bed an action into a fiberglass stock for me on a previous occasion and the work time was much closer to an hour.

I had given him both packages and the wording on each was identical. It took him a couple of hours to grind out the hardened bedding material in order to start over. After all that work, nothing could convince him to use the other package of Devcon. He did, however, open the second package, mix a small batch from each of the packages, and test the hardening time. He found the first package that he had opened turned solid in about five minutes, while the second package remained workable for over an hour.

He ended up using Accraglass instead and everything worked out.

I was left wondering if anyone else has ever experienced similar results from Devcon.