I have not been out for coyote's in a while and with the cold weather lately I was looking forward to get out this morning...So at first light I let my caller begin to play and within 5 minutes I have a coyote coming in to the call....He is in the taller grass and its hard to make him out well...The first time I noticed him was at about 170 yds out and 70 yds from my caller...He would trot a bit and then stop and then trot a bit more.....He finally noticed my decoy and started coming in hard....I gave a wolf wolf and he stopped, he was still in the taller grass (looking back I should of waited till he come out of the taller grass) I rushed my shot (125 yds out) and I miss right over his back....He turns and starts running hard.....It is hard to see/find him the tall grass, finally after a few seconds and he emerges out of the tall grass and is running full steam away from me....(all this time I am thinking how in the **** did I miss, oh well at least I called one in) I figured I could probably get two shots off before he went over the hill...He was running straight away from me at this point so I put my crosshairs on his butt followed the crosshairs over his head and fire...to my amazement he flops over...Who would of thought I just made a 300 yd shot at a running full tilt coyote...no way.....Who would of thought not me......Well it turned out to be just over 225 yds out but what a great feeling of hitting a coyote on the run.....This is my furthest kill ever...

The setup

The pose

The pose2

oh, its a steven's 200 in a .223 with a bushnell 3200 4x12.. bullet is hornady 55 gr sp....26.5 BL-C(2)