Hey all,

I joined here tonight to research the demons of my newly acquired M25 17 Hornet. I chased this rifle for months and finally found one. The bolt was "rough" from the start. Smooth until you pulled the trigger. Then it was rough to pull/rotate. Took it to the range and it was N-A-S-T-Y in the functionality department. First round fed under that "sleeve/tube" protruding from chamber. Had to clear that and hand feed into the chamber. Fired, and the bolt was locked shut! It took an act of you know who to get that bolt up and pulled back.....and the spent case was still in the chamber....I went through this enough to get it dialed in.....which at 100yds this thing was dead nuts accurate! But a very disappointing day to hand feed it every shot!

I took it out last weekend and the first round I attempted to jack in....yup....mis-feed.....but the first G'Hog the crosshairs were set on was killed at 137 yds with 15-20mph winds.

No complaints with accuracy or handling......but man oh man how did this thing ever pass the QA inspectors? Now I'm here and see a lot of others with the same issues. I'm on another predator hunting forum and there are several on there that found/purchased a M25 17 Hornet and are in the same boat.

Shame on Savage.......very poor quality assurance integrity.