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Thread: 300 win mag rebuild

  1. #1

    300 win mag rebuild

    ok so i've got a model 116 300 win mag that i cant get to group to save my life.
    its got just the normal pencil factory barrel which cant be helping so question number one is should i go with a shilen or a mcgowen barrel since its not going to be exactly a bench rest type rifle. there is a 100 dollar difference and my question is is it really worth the extra 100 for the shilen?

    question 2:
    looking at the stockade woodchuck to restock it with something a little more rigid and i want to know if i should look at the option that adds weight to it to help cut down on recoil cause it kinda beats me up a bit or would the varmint weight barrel add enough weight to cut down the recoil comfortably?

    any advice is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Team Savage jonbearman's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I would go with the mcgowen and call kevin rayhill with the recoil /stock question.He should be able to steer you to the right answer to eliminate the violent recoil.If it were me,I would have a muzzle brake installed. This is kev's number:1-308-432-5114
    Willing to give back for what the sport has done for me!

  3. #3
    Basic Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Montrose, Co.

    I am very interested in your build! I want to build the the same rifle for my son. He is dead set on the 300 win mag. Will you keep us posted on which way you go. I have some time because my son is leaving next week for boot camp and I dont have to have it finished until after he gets out of his tech school. I do know that for stock I will be going with a HS Precision with bottom metal along with a break. I have a donor action on lay away now. Its a 110 that is already a 300 win mag.


  4. #4
    will definitely keep you posted.
    so far I am leaning toward the mcgowan for the price difference and because i found one in stock in the varmint contour. I've read some good reviews of their barrels and some bad ones but the bad ones seem to be many years in the past and I am having a hard time finding anything but glowing reviews from more recently.

    I was already looking at the muzzlebrake option and am leaning toward that even though it might make hunting with it....interesting.....

    I've read really good reviews of both the hs and the woodchuck and in the end it just came down to liking the looks of the one over the other personally.

    One other thing not in the OP, I am considering black or tan nitriding the bolt body and bolt head... will this cause any issues without doing the same to the action? will it change dimensions if i do this after i have the barrel installed?

  5. #5
    Basic Member
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    Jan 2013
    I am considering black or tan nitriding the bolt body and bolt head QUOTE]

    kinda confused about this. I thought nitriding was a cryogenic type process that wasn't colorable. I know it does change a little through the process but wasn't aware of picking a color?

    but assuming your only adding a small amount of coating it should be no problem as long as the tollerances don't become too tight (ie. ejector, bolt race, bolt body to bolt head ect...) the headspacing is controlled by a headspacing gauge, barrel, and barrel nut.

  6. #6
    1000 degrees is more like it.

  7. #7
    I apologize I probably am using the wrong terminology... I got that name from this article about two thirds of the way down.. underneath the pictures of the handgun and rifle with the cool gold tinted finish:
    still learning about all this firearms finishing stuff. seems like a cool idea though..

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