So ive been unsuccessful for the past 2 weeks to get ahold of anyone at RCBS for i figure ill ask here.

I purchased a JR2 model single stage press and it appears to have come without the primer arm (not a big deal I thought, as i have a hand primer anyway)

my issue is that the shell holder doesnt really get "held" in the ram of the press at all...its like there is some part missing that would solidly attach the shell holder into the top of the ram. does the primer arm do this?

as it is now it just slides in and spins freely, and is in no way affixed to the ram...half the time it gets pulled out when I remove a shell because there is nothing to hold it in.

anyone have a jr model press and can tell me what part I may or may not be missing that would more securely attach the shell holder to the top of the ram before I whip out some tape