Has anyone broken the clip yet that holds the axis mag in place? I just bought the axis .308 today and was checking it out and notice the way the mag is retained in the rifle. I seen the price of mags for this rifle and plus alot of out of stock notices. So it got me a thinking if mine breaks what would I do? Well I figuire maybe some spring steel and a little JB weld will do the trick. Just make sure you have the right thickness of spring steel, the right bend and quenching of the steel since you have to heat to bend it and saving the broken plastic clip part when it breaks off. I will check the local gunsmiths around the DFW area to see if they have any broken mags to see if my ideal pans out. Since I have a full time job and a wife and three kids it will take me a little while plus I have only a .308 axis so I can oly test this out on mine but it should work on any model axis once I get it all figuired out. Just finding the broken mags to work on .