Hello Gentlemen & Ladies-Long time lurker and shooter but first time poster. I have several .22s but just ordered my first Savage yesterday - a MKIIBV and I'm going to put a Swift 4 x 12 x 40 on it. I use Burris signature rings w/plastic inserts on all my center fires and I'm going to order a set for this. My question-will med height rings work? Also, I think the rifle comes with 2 small weaver style mounts-are they worth keeping or is there a better option? 98% of the time I'll be shooting it at the 100 yd range in very casual competions.

I've been using a Marlin 880 SQ and its a shooter but pulling the trigger is like pulling on a piece of spaghetti and I can't take the cheesy synthetic stock or mag release anymore. Thanks in advance!