I am still at it, but have not posted my shoots as they pretty much are all the same...splat & fly...
Here are a few shows...sorry about the vids as my old HP digi is pretty sad on that part...have to get a hat cam I think!
This spot is about 1/2 mile from the top range where I have shot until today and hiked down into it which is about 30 minutes taking it easy and looking for coyote sign along the way. I did see a few tracks along the creek bottom cattle trails, but have not heard any since March.
The P-dogs have not been shot at down here and I ran 107 shots in about an hour as soon as I plopped down. I had so many double/tripple/quads hits that it was uncountable!
The more I shot the more came out to see whats going on....opps wrong move....hahahah
My barrel was smoking hot and I had to wrap a hand towel on it and keep it watered from my ice water bottle, needless to say my gun drunk 80% of it today...least I had 2 sodas with me for refreshments.
I had a ranch hand come into my shooting range as he was pushing some cattle into the other bottom land about 900 yards from me so I naturally stopped shooting even though I was pointing 180* off his left side.
He then trotted back to my spot and we talked for a bit about coyotes and the antelope herds this year. He did say he saw 3 young coyotes about a mile up the canyons at the top of the bluffs.
I have now run a tad over 7000 rounds since March. This is all with my Savage FP10 & 12FV in .223
It was nice to see 8 Antelope out there today and all under 300 yards with 5 under 200 yards from me just feeding along as I shot around them.