View Full Version : Putting resin on fiberglass stock

05-30-2011, 10:52 AM
Now i'm stumped....modified the grip contour on my B$C Medalist Tactical stock........sanded it all smooth, wiped down with alcohol, mixed the resin according to what it said for temp...what i mixed is set up, hard.What is on the stock is sticky...and i put a thin coat on, nothing thicker than 1/16th thick!!!!! How can the left over harden, but the coating on the stock stay sticky? Do i need to prime the stock first, and with what? Thanks for ANY help, rsbhunter

05-30-2011, 02:05 PM
Apparently you applied an unwaxed polyester resin. The air is inhibiting the cure. If you had mixed in 5% styrene wax in the wet resin, the wax would have risen to the surface and shielded it from the air, allowing a full cure. The thickness of the resin layer is not important. You might be able to coat the stock with styrene wax now and allow it to cure. The other possibility is to expose the stock to a high temp. environment to accelerate the cure. You might put it in your attic for a few days and see if that does it. You can buy styrene wax here: http://www.fibreglast.com/product/Styrene_Wax_71/Polyester_Resins

There is also a wealth of info on the site that might help you in the future.


06-04-2011, 12:01 AM
Finally got the stock ready to paint, going with Krylon flat sand and black spider webbing....thinned out the right side of the palm area alot, and some where my finger tips rest on left side...what a DIFFERENCE! Feels like a completly different stock. My hand now fits like it should, almost like a thumb hole stock.....will post pics when done...thanks for the help....rsbhunter

FW Conch
06-04-2011, 08:03 AM
Congratulations rsb - looking forward to the pictures ! :) Jim