View Full Version : HOG PROBLEMS

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Blue Avenger
03-20-2011, 10:17 PM
Hi all,
Do any of you fellows from Tx. happen to know of any ranches that will let you hunt hogs for free? I have looked on the net for places in Tx. to hunt and they all want you to pay to hunt their problem?? My brother is from Austin and I am in Mt. When I go down, I would like to hunt coyotes and hogs. Any help finding a place would be appreciated.
well if the cash crop is now hogs instead of the cotton that was growing? they still have payments like the rest of us.

03-28-2011, 01:36 PM
My wife and i are thinking of coming to texas for vacation and were thinking of maybe hunting hogs while were there(we live in idaho) does anyone know of someone we might contact to get permission. I'm also an avid predator hunter so coyotes, bobcats that sort of thing would also be on my hitlist. Willing to trade authentic idaho spuds for permission to hunt. My wife is also wanting to get herself a ringtailed cat to mount.

03-28-2011, 02:11 PM
I know a guy from arfcom and the 6.8 forum that guides and will set you up in a cabin, with food (I think) for a couple of days and take you out on night hunts with his Eq. ar15 6.8 spc rifle, gen 3 or 4 night vision etc.
Its pretty reasonable too from what I understand.

Not exactly sure where he is but if you are interested I will hook you up.

03-28-2011, 05:26 PM
My wife is interested but would like more information if u could send it. We would have our own rifles and i would also be bowhunting. Please e-mail me more info @ boesiger2000@yahoo.com

03-28-2011, 05:44 PM
I passed on your email address to him.

He goes by hightechrancher over at arfcom.
HTR for short.

03-28-2011, 07:30 PM
Herd an interview with Ted Nugent on NRA NEWS that he and some friends were going to Texas to shoot Hogs from a helicopter and expedited to shoot 1000 hogs and that you have to shoot behind them too hit the right spot, didn't say it BUT sounded that he was going to have an automatic weapon with him.

04-28-2011, 02:00 AM
1+ on the Tannerite! We duct taped packs of nail gun nails around a 1# charge about 1" thick and put in a pile of corn/sweet potato rejects and Hog wild. Got 12 pigs on that one. Shot was from 200 yds for safety. Doubt we will do that again, though. While no one was hurt or any thing damaged, it reminded me of Claymore mines from VietNam and we go no meat of any use from it.

04-29-2011, 06:30 PM
Here in Arizona, all most of us can do is dream of hunting wild hog.

The latest dream in particular has been to contract some Air-Balloonists and form
some three man Hog-Sniper teams. Each gondola would have two designated snipers
and the pilot of the balloon.

Ideally, it would be nice to be able to acquire special permits allowing for night hunts with
Counter-Sniper rifles wearing suppressors and night-vision scopes. (make it an all-nighter)

Tethered at a certain elevation, those Gondolas would make an almost perfect (and silent) shooting
platform for anyone fortunate enough to be able to take part in such a hog hunt.

Since most of the smartest hogs are nocturnal, the "Arial Supremacy" that these floating shooting
platforms would give, could mean that (to a good shooter) any hog out to several hundred yard
would be fair game.

Our military is always looking for ways to further the training of their sniper teams. I can't think of
a better way to spend our tax dollars than to have our guys get in some real-world shooting time, help with this hog-problem and
possibly donate some of the meat to those who go to bed hungry in our country every night.

I take that back. I can think of a better way. That "better way" would be if I were one of the
hog hunters shooting from one of those Gondolas.

Rhetorical question; Am I a fool to dream such dreams; a hog hunting fool???

Is anybody with me on this?? I bet that would make a heck of an awesome video too.


Uncle Jack
04-29-2011, 08:13 PM
Ain't it kinda amazing that Christopher Columbus only brought eight pigs with him on his second voyage to the new world in 1493.


04-29-2011, 09:05 PM
1+ on the Tannerite! We duct taped packs of nail gun nails around a 1# charge about 1" thick and put in a pile of corn/sweet potato rejects and Hog wild. Got 12 pigs on that one. Shot was from 200 yds for safety. Doubt we will do that again, though. While no one was hurt or any thing damaged, it reminded me of Claymore mines from VietNam and we go no meat of any use from it.

Roofing nails and I hear it works well for raccoons. ;)

04-30-2011, 02:57 PM
Hog hunting is big bussiness here in Texas. You would think you could find adds for farmers/ranchers that would like you to shoot'em. Not happening!!!! They've found that people will pay to shoot them.

Yep, I paid $100 per day around Brennan TX to help them with there Hog problem!

It was fun!!!!