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View Full Version : .223 Twist Rate in 1986?

01-27-2011, 07:37 PM
I have a J action in 223 sporter barrel as from the factory, what twist rate were they using at the time?


01-27-2011, 07:54 PM
If nobody comes up with a solid number...

Items needed;
Cleaning rod x/jag and patch
masking tape
black marker

1. take the masking tape and make a little flag at the handle end of the rod
2. place patch on jag, and push into barrel past the chamber.
3. take the marker and mark the rod flush with the port
4. push the rod down the bore, watching the flag to make one full revolution
6. mark the rod flush with the port, and remove from bore
7. measure the distance between mark #1 and mark #2, twist will be this value 1:__

Eric in NC
01-27-2011, 08:37 PM
Slow - I think 12"

01-27-2011, 11:56 PM
"Items needed: ..."

I have never had good luck with method. I strongly suspect it has more to do with my attention span and the execution rather than the the method itself!

Besides, that would require getting out of my chair gathering up stuff, pulling out the gun... ya know.

Thanks for the response. Seems like I remeber a discussion somewhere about the slower twist in the older .223 barrels, lots of them not just Savage. Shooting the heavier bullets wasn't in vogue quite like it is now. Should still fine for bullets needed for coyote.

01-28-2011, 10:43 AM
I had a (J) series the other day and the closest I could measure 12 or 14 twist

silver bullet
01-28-2011, 07:38 PM
Good Evening,

call Savage customer service and give them the serial # they will tell you what twist you have.


01-29-2011, 06:26 AM
The one I had was 1 in 14.

01-29-2011, 10:22 PM
Good Evening,

call Savage customer service and give them the serial # they will tell you what twist you have.


Thanks Dave, hadn't thought of that, I can do that from the couch too, and added plus!

01-30-2011, 04:54 PM
Yep, then you could call a friend (if you have any left) and take it out & shoot it for ya' ! :-*

Eric in NC
01-30-2011, 08:16 PM
Don't believe Savage customer service will provide infromation about guns that old (prior to 1995). May be wrong, but I believe that was a previous owner and the current company has "nothing" to do with guns that old.