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View Full Version : vlp stock mod

01-21-2011, 09:41 AM
i really like the vlp stock but at 6'3 i need a little more lop and would like an ajustable check piece i found the parts needed for this conversion but it would be expensive if i fubar the job if anyone else here has given that a go any tips or tricks would be great

01-21-2011, 10:10 PM
Establishing the layout line for cutting is the trickiest part & you will need a helper to mark for you. Remove the butt pad & shoulder the rifle - with the heaviest coat or jacket you anticipate wearing - remember that you will be able to adjust the butt plate for lighter clothing. Set the new plate to minimum & place between you & the stock - be sure to install the new butt pad or account for it's thickness - move the stock with the butt plate at your shoulder until you find the best position for you. Have your helper mark the position where the end of the new butt plate will be on the stock. You are trying to simulate the fit of the rifle so take your time & repeat as many times as you need. You will want to fit for what ever you plan to shoot - off hand, off a rest or prone. You will also want to consider that the new butt plate will alter the image from your scope & most likely you will have to adjust the scope in the rings.

It is important to saw cut the stock at the correct angle to match your new butt plate in both horizontal & vertical planes. I make up a jig from 2 lengths of 6"x20"x3/4" plywood to sandwich the stock then clamp & shim so that the butt of the stock is true in both planes. The jig will allow you a suitable surface to run on the table of your saw & give you guiding leverage & a clamping surface to drill the butt if you are going with a recoil type. I make the cut a good 1/8 to 1/4" proud of the layout line & finish with a rasp & sander. After you have the stock cut, position the butt plate & mark & drill your holes. Your kit may come with a layout template. Drill the holes & dry fit. Check the fit & then sand the butt to finish dimension. I add thin sheets of black or white plastic for contrast & detail. Most likely the butt plate will need to be filed or ground to match the contour of your stock. Be sure to add a wood sealer or finish to seal the raw wood.

01-21-2011, 11:03 PM
thanks for the info on the butt i am going to make a jig for the comb to i think cutting that out will be the trickiest part of the job we have a full blown carpentry shop at my full time job so i have access to all the tools needed but this is a one shot deal so i am more than a little nervous if i fubar the job ill be contacting jim at nss for a new vlp stock also i have some extra devcon i was thinking about bedding the butt and the base for the adjustable comb any thoughts on that

01-22-2011, 07:14 PM
I know how you feel - felt the same first time I tried but I had the advantage of help from a stock builder for high end shotguns. You might want to find a cheap stock - any brand even a tuperware to fractice on. Take your time - since you got good wood tools - it'll go well. I never did a adjustable comb but wanted too - chickened out. I do know that it is possible the that the adjustable comb when full up can interfer with the bolt. Just be sure to measure.

01-22-2011, 08:49 PM
i found a kit i want to give a try