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View Full Version : Jim Rockwell Stocks

03-31-2024, 06:04 PM
I have avoided posting anywhere about trying to get Jim to finsh a PRE-PAID Striker stock! But I cannot get him to work with me even though he cashed my checks in full last summer. He promised the stock Jan/2024. He has sent one email but wants 50% forfiet on my part.

Well it is April 2024 and he hasn't made good on his promises. I am dissapointed and out nearly $500! A forfiet on my end is unacceptable as he hasn't met his end of the bargin. In my state, cashing a deposit or full payment is an acceptance.

I sent and email just before going into the hospital last month and suggested 50% on the dollar was un-acceptable, but haven't heard or seen communication since from him.

I politely suggested he que up my blank, cut it and ship it, the shop uses an automated multi-axis cutting machine...shouldn't be a big deal.

Perhaps he may read this, and others here might be aware of his lack of respone and faulty floating/iffy schedule.

Sorry Jim, you haven't met your obligation.

Iowa Fox
03-31-2024, 08:11 PM
Didn't Jim turn the business over to his son? i

03-31-2024, 08:17 PM
Yes, it is Rockwell Jr’s business now. I’ve heard plenty of negative reviews on how things have been handled.

03-31-2024, 08:40 PM
Don't get me wrong, Jim is a nice person, we have talked at length by phone. He does lots of vounteeer work with Boy Scouts and such. However, he just cannot meet his obligations to his promises in build/shipping. I think chashing my checks in full payment is my good faith committment and should count for on-time delivery!

I just had some diffucult surgury and am finally walking again after a very long time. I presumed Jim would make good and complete the job or refund in full as he is MONTHS+++ LATE!
I have a big medical bill to pay...they don't wait on excuses.

04-02-2024, 06:20 PM
Don't get me wrong, Jim is a nice person, we have talked at length by phone. He does lots of vounteeer work with Boy Scouts and such. However, he just cannot meet his obligations to his promises in build/shipping. I think chashing my checks in full payment is my good faith committment and should count for on-time delivery!

I just had some diffucult surgury and am finally walking again after a very long time. I presumed Jim would make good and complete the job or refund in full as he is MONTHS+++ LATE!
I have a big medical bill to pay...they don't wait on excuses.


04-15-2024, 09:42 PM
Jim will not return caslls, answer emails or meet his obligatins to ship the Striker stock. It was due in Janurary 2024. He has been paid in full, in advance nearly $500 including shipping. The order was made almost a year ago!

I cannot support his business practices. He will not return my payment either...BEWARE PUBLIC!

I am not a member of any other shooting forums, have been here since 2007. I always try and repersent my posts and sales items honestly. If I were a member any where else, I would make known my disagreement in those venues as well.

Jim jr has not lived up to his business obligation in this matter, nor has he explained his messiness. Not a good business model!

Don't do business there is my advise, I just lost $500.

04-16-2024, 05:35 PM
I understand your frustrations and good on you for posting about this. I have 2 similar scenarios I’m currently dealing with myself, though neither are with Rockwell.

04-22-2024, 09:11 PM
I have been fortunate that my dealings within the firearms industry including individuals and companies have been approximately 98% positive. The other 2% really cut deep. It only takes a little effort to make things right.

Iowa Fox
04-23-2024, 11:47 AM
We're getting into a new generation in the shooting/ firearms business. I've had more bum deals in the last 10 months than the last 25 plus years. MP molds stuck a few of us guys with worthless molds and refuses to make it right. At first he was going to make it right with us then the excuses then silence hoping we will go away. You're correct Mjshell just a couple start to cut deep.