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View Full Version : Article: Savage Stance 9x19 Micro-Compact Pistol Review

03-30-2023, 02:34 PM
You can view the page at http://www.savageshooters.com/content.php?586-Savage-Stance-9x19-Micro-Compact-Pistol-Review&

Dave Hoback
04-26-2023, 06:19 AM
Wow! All I can say is that pistol is almost worthy of HiPoint Fugly-ness, YIKES! But apparently it doesn’t even shoot as good as a HiPoint.

I have to disagree with one important point in the article. The article stated “Any seasoned pistol shooter knows that the fit & feel in the hand is key to picking out a handgun.” While I concede that is popular thinking, and true, why a specific pistol is usually chosen by an individual. However, it’s actually as bad a habit as how inexperienced shooters will lean back while shooting. Or bring the sights UP to head/eye level, instead of bringing their head/eye level DOWN to the sight profile. Or even how almost every newer shooter will grip a pistol with support hand covering the thumb, or the good ‘ol cup & saucer grip, because those grips FEEL more comfortable. These are habits I would typically have to train OUT of shooters, as an instructor. One word I’ve always hated associated with firearms is “ergonomics”! Comfort & Shootability are not synonymous. It is shootability that should be key to choosing a carry handgun. Whenever I’ve been asked “which pistol should I get”, my answer has always been the same: find a range that has rentals & test fire the pistols you like. Choose the one with the best shootability. May surprise a number of them to find the best shooting is not the the one that feels the best.

Great article. Thank you.

08-23-2023, 12:16 PM
I have had much better experiences on my outings with my Stance, which lacks the laser and external safety that you had on your model. I had no failures to feed or extract, and groupings were palm sized at 15 yards. The texturing of the grip does a good job of keeping the pistol well seated in my hand, but it also likes to abrade the skin along my side when I wear it in a holster that doesn't fully cover the grip. Speaking of holsters, it sits reasonably well in ones modeled for the S&W Shield but I haven't tried any retention holsters of that type. I bought this when it went on sale at a local store for $229 mainly for nostalgia reasons, but I've found that I actually like shooting the gun and look forward to the ten round magazine becoming available again.

10-03-2023, 11:27 AM
Just what the world needed, another Tupperware, striker fired, fugly pistol. Why would anyone buy this at that price point? Not sure what market they are trying to appeal to but for that money I would buy a tried and true handgun, not a new to market fuglynator. Just my 2Cents.

12-24-2023, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the review, as a review the pistol leaves a lot to be corrected before I need one. I did like the photos of it with the Kahr CM9 since I carry a CM9, (among others) at times.