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02-13-2023, 08:53 PM
Hello everyone. I joined because I’m interested in using a 110 Elite Precision for my first attempt at f class. Im not new to firearms but I am to bolt action. I was in the Army Reserves for 9 years where I was a SAW gunner for most of it. Deployed once in 2010-11 to KAF in Afghanistan.

I am starting with 223 because I am set up to reload for it so it’s the cheapest way into f class right now. In the future I’m sure I’ll want to go bigger and longer, but for now 223 will do.

I will end with my name is not pat, it’s in honor or my friend. In 04 my best friend, Pat was killed by a drunk driver less the 30 days after getting home from 19 months in Iraq. He was a Sgt, so I tried SgtPat but could never use it. Talking with my wife I explained what was going on and she asked what I wanted. I said “just SgtPat”, she typed it in and almost 20 years later here I am, keeping him alive one log in at a time.

Dave Hoback
02-13-2023, 11:48 PM
Welcome SgtPat’s best friend. ;) Sorry for the loss. And I do know the pain of great loss never goes away, you just learn to deal with. I’m lucky in that I have a relationship with Christ. Hope the same is true for you & if not, I encourage you to make it so! Thank you for sharing partner. I realize now I already responded to another of your threads. You’re wanting the 223 makes even more sense now after reading this.

02-14-2023, 08:16 AM
Welcome to the forum from Western NY !

02-14-2023, 10:34 AM
welcome,thanks for your service

02-17-2023, 06:09 AM
Thank you. I think of how losing him changed the trajectory of my life. I don’t have the relationship I should with Christ, but it’s getting better every day.