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02-02-2023, 08:53 PM
Its that time of year again fellow SP shooters. Soon the air and ground will start warming up. This brings out my favorite target species the Groundhog. And for you folks that are fortunate enough to live in prairie dog or rock chuck areas ( I envie you) its that time to start thinking about tuning up the SP's.

I'm sure Doc is itching to get back at his duties to rid W.V. of those pesky Vermin. Lol!

Good luck and Happy Hunting.

Bob Roach
02-03-2023, 12:52 AM
We had lots of ground hogs until the Spring of 1974. Not sure what happened to them, they just disappeared, and never came back in any great numbers. We went from Blue Cold to really Heavy Rain, and lots of it like flipping a switch. I speculated they might have drowned in the dens. That is only speculation, they might have caught something and died off. In the early 1970's I was hunting them with a 225 Winchester rifle. I would have had a ball with the gear I own today. Now days I could make longer shots with my 22 Nosler M48 Handgun than I did with the old 225 rifle.

Bob R

Bob Roach
02-06-2023, 02:09 AM
I saw one ran over a couple days ago.
Wow I see my shadow! THUMP

I could not help it, that is what came to mind.

Bob R

02-22-2023, 11:52 PM
Its that time of year again fellow SP shooters. Soon the air and ground will start warming up. This brings out my favorite target species the Groundhog. And for you folks that are fortunate enough to live in prairie dog or rock chuck areas ( I envie you) its that time to start thinking about tuning up the SP's.

I'm sure Doc is itching to get back at his duties to rid W.V. of those pesky Vermin. Lol!

Good luck and Happy Hunting.

Doc had a knee replacement so ground hogs will be safe for a little while

02-23-2023, 01:51 AM
Haven't seen a groundhog from home in years. Seems most fell allergic to Sierra #1400 bullets anywhere within sight or our back deck in the past 17 years.

But the garden is producing better.

02-23-2023, 10:58 AM
Main diet for coyotes. When the coyotes invaded WNY the woodchucks disappeared.

02-23-2023, 12:01 PM
Our rock chucks don’t come out until about May. Pdogs are out year round on sunny days.

02-23-2023, 08:45 PM
Main diet for coyotes. When the coyotes invaded WNY the woodchucks disappeared.

Pretty much the same here. My neighbor owns 275 acres. The only spots you will find a groundhog on thier place is within 200 yards of a house.

02-24-2023, 12:48 AM
we see them rarely here...too many coyotes i'm pretty sure, and a while back the neighbor texted me a photo of a bobcat walking across my yard towards her house , so i'm sure the cats would try to make a snack of it too.

Had 1 groundhog poking around the yard last year , i asked the neighbor & she said it's been hanging around the yards here a couple of years now, i guess it is close enough to the house to where the yotes wont usually come in. It is a female, and last year it had 2 young/kits/pups, or whatever juvenile groundhogs are called.

Its safe here in the yard, maybe it knows the coyotes are NOT welcome & predators will be shot on sight...though ironically i celebrated groundhog day by buying a new .222. :cool:

02-24-2023, 07:12 AM
I see very few on my acreage. I’ve left them alone hoping to increase the numbers. However same problem with the coyotes and the bobcats. Numbers just don’t come up.