View Full Version : Best primer/paint for factory stock?

04-22-2022, 11:52 PM
Going to be refinishing a plastic 200 stock.

Have worked with a few fiberglass stocks in the past but not one of these plastic numbers- any recommendations on what to use for surface prep and a final finish?

Looking for a matte finish when done.

Thanks Matt.

04-23-2022, 06:10 PM
I have used Valspar outdoor plastic primer for a primer and base. After that any matte finish will adhere good.

04-23-2022, 06:37 PM
This is easy to find, fairly priced, covers well, and is durable


04-24-2022, 01:27 AM
Brownells Aluma-Hyde II is one of my favorites.

04-24-2022, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the replies.

04-24-2022, 08:43 AM
For prep, I would clean the stock with soap and water first, then scuff it with a scuff pad or something to knock down any gloss, and wipe it down with denatured alcohol.

Not sure what color you are looking for, but there are common paints that say on the label that they are compatible with plastic. I think most of the common camo-colors are. Higher-end paints like Aluma-Hyde may be better, but I've not used them.

For multi-color camo, or a very durable finish, using a 2K (2-part) clear like SprayMax (Gloss, Semi-Gloss, or Matte) over the paint is going to give you the best durability and chemical resistance.

Dave Hoback
04-24-2022, 01:44 PM
Mattri, I agree with Robin. The Aluma-Hyde is good stuff. Available in several colors & can order it at Amazon.

Dave Hoback
04-24-2022, 04:13 PM
Another good option is using the Cerakote air dry, the Elite I think. And these Prevale sprayers. https://www.amazon.com/Preval-0225-2-Pack/dp/B00CW809ZO/ref=sr_1_26?crid=2083OWJEW2LUY&keywords=Prevale+spayed&qid=1650830977&sprefix=prevale+sprayer%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-26

I have an curing oven, spray gun, etc., so I use the Cerakote oven cure. But I have some of these Prevale sprayers as well. Like, if I’m just doing something small & quick.

04-25-2022, 01:37 AM
Another good option is using the Cerakote air dry, the Elite I think. And these Prevale sprayers. https://www.amazon.com/Preval-0225-2-Pack/dp/B00CW809ZO/ref=sr_1_26?crid=2083OWJEW2LUY&keywords=Prevale+spayed&qid=1650830977&sprefix=prevale+sprayer%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-26

I have an curing oven, spray gun, etc., so I use the Cerakote oven cure. But I have some of these Prevale sprayers as well. Like, if I’m just doing something small & quick.

I keep several prevale sprayers in my supply cabinet along with paint filters. Really good for some projects.