View Full Version : full length vs neck sizing

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12-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Thanks guys been thinkin of neck turning, funds really aernt there at the moment to buy the equipment. What is the best in your opinion neck turning equipment for a rookie. Meaning cost ease of use and such?

Unless you have a custom barrel chambered for a tight neck, or your playing with a wildcat that is necked up or down from original brass, don't worry about neck trimming. In a factory barrel you will never gain anything from neck trimming.

On neck cutters, buy something that you can get a matched sizing mandrel for. I recamend Sinclair because you use the sizing mandrel to trim with holding tolerances tighter. I use a Forster, but I have fitted my mandrels so that they are the same size. (Both sizing, and cutting) I have not replaced it because it works, but to do it all aver again I would gone another route. I also recamend if you trim multiple calibers to by multiple trimmers, because once you have one set just right will will not want to change it. Neck trimming takes patients and pratice. I know high end shooters that will not touch their brass, but will buy it already trimmed, in fear of messing something up. I recamend you get a tubing (or ball) micrometer to measure your neck thickness, if you do start cutting necks. What ever you do get a hand held unit, (Like a Sinclair, KM, Pumpkin, Forster, ETC) do not use the attachments that go onto length trimmers. (Trust me on this adventure I have been there done that got the t shirt to prove it.)

There is one other avenue of neck cutting you can go down but I don't recamend it, and that is inside neck reaming. Wilson and other company's have made inside neck reamers for years, they are not popular because they are not adjustable. It takes a bit of a masters touch to get this right. I use them but 99% only to champher the edge of the neck.

Well good luck in your endever, and happy holidays.