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View Full Version : New Arrival

02-16-2022, 12:10 AM
After a long wait my Autothrow V4 and A&D scale finally showed up.
I just got it set up and tested a few powder drops. I can see there will be a bit of learning to do
I have been using my trusted old Gempro 250 for many years and it is quite accurate. I also have to manually trickle the last part of the charge.
It takes a bit of time. The new Autothrow will dispense a 40 Gr drop in about 10 seconds.

Blue Avenger
02-16-2022, 08:49 AM
they all need to warm up the load cells and if you have florescent light you could possibly get a feedback from the ballast if on the same circuit a short distance away. i have 3 electric powder feeders and seem to have pretty constant weights. speeds thing up when needed. some small batch hand gun still gets put in a tray of 50 and filled with an normal manual throw and visually checked for time saving.

charlie b
02-16-2022, 08:19 PM
Congrats. I finally made the jump to a less expensive auto powder measure and I like it a lot.

Dave Hoback
02-16-2022, 11:22 PM
Looks nice. I still use a measuring spoon & trickler. But then, I’m not in any rush. And don’t shoot nearly as much as I’d like since being disabled. So...I get it. Certainly woulda come in handy years ago when I pistol training and USPSA competition.

South Prairie jim
02-19-2022, 02:23 PM
Sweet set up.